Waterway is an American manufacturer who supplies its jets and other components to around 80% of manufacturers of Hot Tubs around the world today. Chances are your spa has a Waterway component.
There are many different variants to their jets, this overview covers there most popular types used in the UK past and present.

Waterway Jet Bodies
This is the part that fits through the spa shell and connects to the spas plumbing, the jet front fits into the jet body. In most cases the jet has two pipe connections a larger one for water and a smaller one for the air. Different connection types/sizes are also available in each jet body range so please look at the jet bodies available in each range before buying.

Waterway Jet Fronts (internals)
This part provides the finished look of the jet, and allows the user to control the flow, get the desired massage from the different flow patterns (Jet Fronts) available - Jets fronts are interchangeable within their jet series. Older waterway storm jets use a Push Twist and Click system and their newer ones use a screw version.
Some of the smaller and older Jets produced combine the two into one, meaning the jet body and jet front are all one, normally these jets are a simple fixed flow jet, the jet front is both the finished surface (escutcheon) and the jet body wall fitting. An example of this kind of jet would be the waterway Cluster or Ozone Jet - see image
The jet model has a direct relation the jet size, the available models / sizes are shown below - please click on the relevant jets to be directed to the corresponding products on our website.
Important Note! - Waterway have now discontinued manufacturing the Click IN Storm Jet Fronts & Bodies. They have made available one of each size in a sterling silver finish to serve the aftermarket. If you need to replace a Click in Jet front these can be seen here on our website
The key below shows the different Jet Bodies and their corresponding Jet Fronts (internals)

Jet Fronts - Explained
Within each of the different jet series above the jet fronts are available with different
a) Massage flow types
b) Finishes / colours
c) Escutcheon textures and shape
Any Jet front from the same series is compatible despite its flow type, finish / Colour or texture / shape - IT MUST HOWEVER BE OF THE SAME FITMENT TYPE - Click IN or Thread IN
For example, a Poly Storm Standard 3-3/8" jet front with a Massage flow type in a Smooth Stainless finish could be swapped / replaced with a Poly Storm Large face 4" jet front with a Directional flow type in a Grey colour & plastic 5 point scallop Finish.
Massage flow Types
The massage types provide a different flow of water out of the jet front giving the bather a different massage sensation when sat against the jets, the following is a guide of the various types available